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What Happens When You Visit a Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

Written By ABChiropractic Family & Wellness on February 6, 2024

a guy with neck pain from auto injury

Getting immediate chiropractic care after a car accident is crucial. Without treatment, any auto injuries you have can get worse and your risk of chronic pain or other complications increases. At ABChiropractic Family & Wellness, we have three chiropractors and a physical therapist on staff who have extensive experience in treating auto injuries in St. Charles, MO. We can identify the underlying cause of your back pain, neck pain, or other auto injury symptoms and design a personalized treatment plan that will get you back on your feet as soon as possible.

Complete Examination and Diagnosis

When you visit us for treatment after a car accident, we will begin with a complete physical examination. We will want details of your car accident, and will need to know about past injuries and illnesses, past surgeries and treatments, current symptoms, and your family’s health history. We may take an x-ray, MRI, or CT scan to rule out injuries or confirm a diagnosis. We will screen you for the most common auto injuries, such as whiplash, head injury, concussion, spinal injury, and neurological symptoms.

Same-Day Treatment

Rather than waiting for hours in a hospital emergency waiting room, we will provide same-day auto injury treatment. Your personalized chiropractic care plan will address the root cause of your pain, offer drug-free pain relief, prevent further injury, and reduce your risk of complications or chronic pain.

Ongoing Care and Preventive Care

In addition to the care you receive in our office on the day of your car accident, we can also provide ongoing care. We will provide physical therapy and auto injury rehabilitation for as long as is needed to get you back on your feet. We also offer preventive care, which can lower your risk of future injuries and complications.

Drug-Free Holistic Healthcare

At ABChiropractic Family & Wellness, we specialize in all-natural, drug-free, holistic healthcare. Holistic healthcare focuses on treating the whole patient, rather than masking their symptoms with prescription drugs. We offer chiropractic therapies and integrative medicine treatments that address issues that affect your physical and mental health.

Referrals to Specialists

If you need care from a medical specialist or therapist, we can refer you to a trusted and reputable local provider. We can also refer you to a personal injury attorney if you decide you want to pursue a personal injury claim related to your accident.

Don’t Delay in Seeking Treatment After a Car Accident in St. Charles, MO

If you were in a car accident in St. Charles, MO, visit us at ABChiropractic Family & Wellness as soon as possible. We can complete a full examination and diagnostic testing to determine the extent and underlying cause of your auto injury. We will then design a personalized chiropractic auto injury treatment plan that offers rehabilitative and preventive care. Get help now by requesting an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Auto Injury Treatment